
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Loving eyes

This morning I woke up before the break of dawn and began with  my early-morning-just-me activities:yoga, meditation, reading before my little one joined me. I was sleepy and a little mellow this morning. When it was breakfast time for my little one, I promptly readied her food and put on an armor of sorts to feed her, force her to eat. She wasn't hungry yet and was completely against putting a morsel in her mouth. And why would she? She was NOT hungry. I was on the brink of frustration when I stopped my internal dialog about "she HAS to eat NOW" and looked at her with a certain openness I didn't have when I saw the clock strike breakfast time. The poor little one really didnt want anything to eat yet.

So there, I put away the food and we played for a bit before it was time for her to eat. When I put the food away this song arose in my mind.

What makes the earth and sky suddenly seem afresh? What makes the shy bud bloom in full beauty when the flirtatious bee comes around?  What makes the river loose itself to the ocean? Love, Love, Love! So goes this wonderful song.

This early morning routine of running around Anika with food, before she was hungry has happened many times before. And I have promptly put away meal time for later too. But never did this song arise within.  So I am going to assume that my lesson for today is to stay open and see things, people, and circumstances with loving eyes. Like the time when I first fell in love. When everything seemed afresh and new, full of love and gentleness.

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  1. Such wonderful awareness of what was *really* needed in that moment with your daughter. And being able to meet her where she is and her needs, and not your own... Beautiful I love what you say about looking at her, and life, with openness and seeing the love in everything... Beautiful...


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